A vison must be visible to have a powerful, lasting impact on your business. I have recently been working with a business coaching client to help them articulate a vision that will set the sails of their business for a successful and prosperous future. As I have shared in […]
In this Video Blog Series Phil is answering questions that have been submitted by readers. Today’s request is “Please explain compound interest.”
Is it possible to maintain a healthy balance in your family while keeping your foot on the throttle of your financial freedom? The short answer is “Yes”. The long answer is that it takes a strong person to do that successfully.
Without leadership people flounder. In my previous post I shared about a coaching session I had with a client who wanted to set a clear, compelling and captivating direction for their business. I referred to this as a vision that was powerful. To me a business vision can be described […]
I have known Phil for 15+ years and he has been my business coach for more than three years now. I appreciate having someone to be accountable to, who keeps me on track and focused on achieving the goals I have set for myself. Phil also acts as a great […]
Phil has been my business coach for over 2 years and in that time has encouraged me, pushed me to greater levels and championed my victories. Because of his encouragement and advice I produced and successfully sell a teaching DVD all over the world called “Listen to my sock“. At […]
In this Blog Series Phil is answering questions that have been submitted by readers. Today’s request is “Can you give us some help to handle finances without stress”