Becoming Money Wise is a practical, thoughtful approach to a topic we all find interesting: controlling our money. Well written and beautifully presented, the strategies offered in this book are well worth investigating. They will help you take back the reigns and create a solid financial footing on which to […]
Phil Strong is an innovative thinker and entrepreneur with a gift for strategy. Likeable and easy to talk to, Phil’s business expertise and ability to create actionable plans make him a valuable resource as a business coach, consultant, and speaker. His hallmark “white board” sessions open possibilities for new and […]
Phil has added real value to my life from seeing him on stage speaking to a large audience as well as reading his exceptional book Becoming Money Wise. When he speaks on stage, he speaks to me, its like he gets what Im going through and even better he has […]
When did you last review your vision? When did you last discuss it with your team? Do your customers know where you are heading? I spent a few hours this week with a coaching client who wants to refocus his team. We talked about the need for a powerful […]
Welcome to my blog where you can find access to all kinds of information. The easiest way to navigate this section is to use the Categories (in the box to the left) to filter the type of content you’re after. Simply choose a category to display and you’ll be taken […]
Phil Strong is a master communicator. He has a remarkable way with explaining things in a way that people can understand. His authenticity is evident and he delivers his message with gentle strength. On a personal level, he helped me to see the true value in myself and helped me […]
In this session Phil looks at how we walk out our faith. Here’s a teaser: When a Hebrew person talks about Faith they use the word “Emunah”. Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary tells us that this word is an action word meaning to support. It means if I have faith, I will […]