Eastside Church, 31 August 2014
Phil talks about Brilliance, being defined as “exceptional clarity and agility of intellect or invention.”
If we are going to pursue our destiny it will require brilliance.
Eastside Church, 31 August 2014
Phil talks about Brilliance, being defined as “exceptional clarity and agility of intellect or invention.”
If we are going to pursue our destiny it will require brilliance.
Westside Church, Hamilton ======= Phil shares a few new thoughts on Kingdom Abundance, and how we must position ourselves for what God […]
Eastside Church, Hamilton From the story if the woman at the Well, we see how Jesus teaches us how to be true […]
As Christians we are called to do life together in Fellowship in the same way the early church demonstrated. But Fellowship is […]
Frontline Christian Church, Kerirkeri How do you get a revelation of love? What does love look like if it compels us to […]