In this Blog Series Phil is answering questions that have been submitted by readers. Today’s request is “Can you give us some help to handle finances without stress”
In this Blog Series Phil is answering questions that have been submitted by readers. Today’s question is “How Can I Afford To Tithe On My Income?” . Phil shares four thoughts and a resource that will help you immensely. -When you start to give money away first, as a priority, […]
In this Blog Series Phil is answering questions that have been submitted by readers. Today’s question from a reader is “What advice should I give to my adult children about money?”.
In this Video Blog Series Phil is answering questions that have been submitted by readers. Today’s question is about “How much money do I need to retire comfortably?”
Is it possible to maintain a healthy balance in your family while keeping your foot on the throttle of your financial freedom? The short answer is “Yes”. The long answer is that it takes a strong person to do that successfully. In late 2008 we came up with a crazy idea: What […]