Business owners must be out the front of their troops leading them into new frontiers. Think of General Custer leading his army into battle. Think of Alexander the Great. Think of William Wallace. Regardless of your political preference you have to admit that each of these leaders were renown […]
Business Development
A vison must be visible to have a powerful, lasting impact on your business. I have recently been working with a business coaching client to help them articulate a vision that will set the sails of their business for a successful and prosperous future. As I have shared in […]
Without leadership people flounder. In my previous post I shared about a coaching session I had with a client who wanted to set a clear, compelling and captivating direction for their business. I referred to this as a vision that was powerful. To me a business vision can be described […]
When did you last review your vision? When did you last discuss it with your team? Do your customers know where you are heading? I spent a few hours this week with a coaching client who wants to refocus his team. We talked about the need for a powerful […]