Westside Church, Hamilton ======= Phil shares a few new thoughts on Kingdom Abundance, and how we must position ourselves for what God wants to do through us.
Invercargill Baptist Church, Invercargill ======= Phil shares a brief message on how to reconnect with your dreams.
The River Christian Church, Auckland ======= Phil share some practical keys to accessing financial freedom and therefore financial success.
Activate Church Hamilton ======= Phil speaks on the concept of Family and reveals the original meaning behind the saying “blood is thicker than water.”
Frontline Christian Church, Kerirkeri How do you get a revelation of love? What does love look like if it compels us to give everything? How should we respond to this love?
Activate Church Hamilton ******* Phil starts his series which will be his focus for 2015 – The Goodness Of God.
When you face a giant it’s not hard to feel small… all I carry is a stone, a sling and a belief that the One who guides the stone is bigger than the one who throws it.
As Christians we are called to do life together in Fellowship in the same way the early church demonstrated. But Fellowship is much more than simply doing life together, as we learn by looking at the Greek word ‘Koinonia’.
In this message Phil shares three modes of worship he’s observed; 1. Slave – you give away control of your worship experience to others around you. 2. Selfish – you hold on to control yourself, basing your worship on how you feel. 3. Host the Ghost. God-centred worship. Listen as […]
Vision Church Raglan West, 16 November 2014. ****** Do you have dreams, goals or ambitions that are not yet fulfilled? Do you have promises over your life that seem far away or impossible? Phil shares a message to encourage you to run the race well and pursue your promise. How […]