Helping you to live a life of purpose on purpose

What Natalie Miller says about Phil Strong

Phil has been my business coach for over 2 years and in that time has encouraged me, pushed me to greater levels and championed my victories.

Because of his encouragement and advice I produced and successfully sell a teaching DVD all over the world called “Listen to my sock“.  At our first meeting we sat down and looked at my whole business and where I could earn more income by being in more than one place at once (without leaving home) and Phil worked out that my business had the potential to have 8 income streams (where I was working on 1).

His regular Skype chats (I’m in Australia and he’s in NZ) kept me on track and focused on the short term goals as well as a look at the long term picture.

In my office in front of my desk I have my 5 year vision and purpose which Phil helped me create so I’m always looking ahead.  I highly recommend Phil as a business coach, his business “smarts” and advice are world class, plus he’s just an all-round nice guy and fun to chat to.

Natalie Miller

Natalie Miller
Internationally touring Christian performer
Wollongong, Australia

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